Sunday 26 February 2012

Some Many ideas so little time....

I took a new approach to my challenge...create what I need first, what I already have to work with two and lastly some fun things I just think it would be cool to make and have.  With list in hand there was only one thing missing...time! Weather also plays a roll because a few of the things I would like to undertake I need to be outside in warm sunny weather.  With relocating to Arizona not really an option  I decided that if I make/create 52 things within 52 weeks I have still satified my challenge.
Out shopping today for a prom dress for Katee and she pointed out a necklace that was fun and different.  After a closer look I decided that on sale for $21.99 wasn't a great deal and it looked like it would be fairly easy to hack.  Now for any experienced jewellery making person it would indeed be easy however my jewellery skills are limited to making gimp bracelets at church camp so many many years ago.  This should be interesting!
Goal for this project is to use whatever I can find around the house.  On to the scavenger hunt!

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