Saturday 18 February 2012

And So it Begins

Inspired by stumbling across a new web site, a house and garage filled with inspiration materials (awaiting inspiration) I start this goal~ 52 crafts in 52 weeks.  Hoping most will be original but there are so many people out there with amazing talent it is going to be difficult to not to try at least some of the ideas I have come across.  I feel like "Julia Julia" of the crafting world.  I hearby give this blog the name TAT.  My nickname as a child and I as I am very sure every new thing I try will have more than its share of Trials And Tribulations!
As I said I want to try to be original as I can however when I do use some one elses ideas credit will be given
I start this for myself and look forward to looking back in a year and seeing where this has taken me. 
Apart from 52 in 52 my goal is to 3R as much as possible....let the fun begin!

PS As I tell my husband what I have embarked upon not 5 minutes pass and he tells me "Julia Julia" is on TV and laughs...This is meant to be!

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