Saturday 10 March 2012

Recipe Organization-What have I started?!?!?!

So on yesterday's outting I picked up two free books.  One I made into a book ball which now graces my piano.  The cover of the second book held a certain appeal to me and I decided to keep the cover.
I love to cook and try new recipes.  Much to my embarassment my recipes are scattered everywhere.  I started a semi-organizational plan.  I have a recipe book that ou add your  fav recipes to however it is old, overstuffed and falling apart.  Awhile ago I decided that recipes I wanted to try went into a file no specific order....once tried and it was approved it went into "the recipe book".  Since it is already bulging and the categories didn't exactly match my classification of recipes it was to say the least a mess.  I tried keeping recipes on the laptop however all that did was add another space to store stuff.  A cabinet in the mud room holds even more recipes. I am sure I have more packed away even with my attempts to downsize them. A disorganized mess is all it is.  So my free little book is going to be my solution.  Well that combined with a file folder and the laptop.
My recipe mess....

So it begins turning my little book into my recipe saviour.  I spent the evening removing pages from the book.  Since I am going to add recipes I figure I have to remove some paper to add more.  I spent part of the day sorting through recipes.  This was going to be a little more complicated and time consuming than I thought.  First dilemma was how to cover the words on the page if my existing recipe was too small.  Scrapbooking paper was the answer! Next was categories.  I made a list that was logical for me.  Next was how to divide up the book into the categories.  I have more cookie recipes than I do salads so the logical step was to gather all the recipes ready to be inserted and see how many I had of each of my categories.  Add to that that I have to leave enough space in each category to be able to add recipes.  This is going to take alot longer to organize that I had originally thought.
Some recipes that I had written out were too big for the book pages so I set up a template on Microsoft word and started typing.  Goal is have all my favorite recipes in a compacct book.  Ironic that little book is a Raders Digest compressed book. 

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