Friday 2 March 2012

Re~ Invention Design

Trying a new name for this blog~Make it and Mayham reflects my life but ReInvention Design is more me and perhaps this blog I think.  I still intend on doing one thing a week but not so much a craft.  Perhaps I am old school and think of crafts more as cross stitch & crocheting.  I like to reinvent things, make the plain stand out and try to look at things out of the box.  Bold I am not but I do know what I like. We can all have beauty & style in our homes for little $ as long as we are creative in the materials we use.  A person's style is defined from within.  A person's home should reflect their personality and that truly defines it as place where the heart is.
That being said Fridays are now Frugal Fridays.  Point to ponder is the line between frugal and cheap.  Frugal is money conscience whereas cheap is an unwillingness.  An opinion of mine which could very well be wrong.  So frugal Friday starts with curtains.  We have a wonderful friend/client who after having the whole main floor of her home renovated needed new curtains.  The curtains were to span a dining room window and sliding patio doors.  After shopping around she was shocked at the price of curtain rods.  My suggestion pvc pipe and a can a spray paint..she was thrilled!  Corks were inserted in the ends of the pipe after painting, finials from Habitat for Humanity screwed in and she had custom rods for less than $25.

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