Friday 9 March 2012

Reader's Digest Condensed Condensed!!!...New Use for Old Book

Today was a run the errands kind of day.  With husband in tow, it was banking and grocery shopping.  When I mentioned I wanted to go to the ReUse Centre he was curious especially when I said I needed a book.  With chores out of the way we headed off to the centre.  The books I have I truly treasure so I needed a hard cover book that needed a new home. The Reuse Centre located in Burlington was started to divert items that people no longer needed from the landfill.  A noble cause.  In the entry way they have books for free. I was looking for a very specific kind of book, a hardcover book of music as this project was to sit upon the piano but none were to be find in the book section.  On our way out I grabbed two books from the free shelf and we were off to our next stop. 
My inspiration for this project was from Saved by Love Creations where she made a vase from an old book.  The look I thought was so unique but the vase shape was just not me...So it started with

First I measured the first page to find the centre length of the book. With a compass I drew a semi circle
With knife in hand I started cutting away  the pages.  About the time I started my children saw what I was doing in shock as I have always tried to instill in them a love of books and here I was cutting one up!
Once I was finished cutting away all the pages away the cover needed to come off. In this case it almost fell off.  Some glue inside the spine and all over the first and last page.  Some elastics to secure everything during drying time
When dry....perfect!
Did I mention I picked up two books......

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