Saturday 31 August 2013

Underside of Hot Tub Cover Repair

For some reason our hot tub cover started to blister on the underside.  Having no idea how to repair it I searched the Internet and found nothing that helped short of buying a whole new cover.  A friend was cleaning out her mothers sewing room and had mentioned she had rolls of pleather.  So now I had the fabric I just needed to adhere it with something.  Researched marine adhesives, spa and pool adhesives because it had to be waterproof and be able to handle the heat of the hot tub.  Thanks to my husband he suggested 3M Super 77. So the repair began....
 First I removed the damaged sections
I measured and cut the new vinyl which unfortunately was not wide enough so I had to piece it.  Following the cans instructions Both surfaces were sprayed and the new vinyl was put in place.  I had some help getting the pieces in place due to the quick adhering time.
New cover is in place and time will tell how long it lasts

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